Our blend of experience

Your business success

Starting a business should be simple. We believe in the power of business to change lives and change the world.

Content Delivery & Management

Wavepath Ventures provides end to end content services, content creation, content aggregation and content delivery to mobile devices. Our dynamic content platform allows for the adaptation and the delivery of any type of content to different types of mobile devices.

Mobile Application Development

With mobile technology becoming the focus nowadays and the world turning wireless, there is huge demand for Mobile Application Development. We have a wide experience in Mobile Apps Development and has harnessed mobile technology for platforms like iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry and Symbian.

We have proven Mobile Application Development expertise to address client’s needs from simple SMS alerts to full-blown Mobile Product Development requirements. We focus on mobile application needs and how it will fit within existing businesses. Even if one has a brief business concept of a mobile application, we will deliver a comprehensive solution that meets business objectives. Our unique mobile service offerings create customer confidence in the development of a mobile application during its entire life cycle.

We offer native Android app development services & solutions to create unique business value, ROI for your enterprise and help in achieving competitive edge. Our qualified Android application developers have in-depth knowledge in Android mobile platform and strong experience in leveraging the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) APIs, Android Native Development Kit (ANDK), emulator and debugging resources to develop interactive & robust apps that support multiple devices including tablets, smartwatches, TV & Auto.
Our range of mobile application development includes:

  • mobile applications
  • mobile games
  • mobile videos
  • wallpapers
  • live streaming

Mobile Entertainment Portals

Wavepath Ventures has a broad experience in the development of portals that focuses on delivering mobile content to users. Our team’s experience in the mobile environment provide a vast expertise in the current and upcoming market trends.

Customized Mobile Application

Wavepath Ventures has been specializing in mobile application development for more than 5 years. Our experience enables us to provide our clients with high level mobile application development services.

Mobile Campaigns

Wavepath Ventures has a vast experience is providing value added services to mobile operators around the globe. Through marketing campaigns using mobile channels, businesses are able to manage campaigns in real time.

Software Aa A Service

Due to changing software licensing models, software vendors face rising competitive pressure to grow their core businesses. Shorter product cycle times are forcing them to rush into new product introductions, and focus on expanding their market share. The economics are also forcing them to align their valuable resources to critical tasks while attempting to reduce back-office costs. Similarly, SMEs and subsidiaries/divisions of larger companies find it increasingly time consuming and costly to develop, implement and support systems, maintain an IT infrastructure, find and retain scarce technical resources and control IT expenditures.

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) is the answer to these challenges. As an alternative to buying software and paying for periodic upgrades, paying for and maintaining technical resources and infrastructure, SaaS may provide a better alternative for many existing and future solutions. These include applications such as new product development, marketing, sales, customer service, portals, content management and collaboration being made available on a usage or time-basis via the Web. Since SaaS is subscription-based, upgrades are routinely provided during the term of the subscription and SLAs (Service Level Agreements) are always defined and followed to ensure the proper level of services and support.